Lululemon: The horrifying murders over a pair of leggings


Lululemon was a name that many of us heard a lot about back in the day. While the fashion athletic brand has faded a bit, there’s still one thing really associated with the name Lululemon: murder. Yes, the infamous 2011 Lululemon murder’s a case well-known throughout the true crime community. Actually, it’s one of the cases that’s well-known outside of the world of true crime as well.

Why did Brittany Norwood murder fellow co-worker Jayna Murray? It all comes down to a pair of Lululemon yoga pants. Murders have been committed for less, but we have to admit that a pair of expensive yoga pants definitely makes the top of that list. With the 10th anniversary of Murray’s tragic murder approaching, it’s time to go over the Lululemon murders.

The initial story

In March 2011, a Lululemon manager came to work at the Bethesda Lululemon. In the store, she found the scene of a grizzly attack. Upon calling the police, they declared Jayna Murray, a grad student close to finishing her two masters degrees, dead and Brittany Norwood was taken to the hospital. Norwood said that two men came in the store as she and Murray returned so Norwood could get a misplaced wallet.

After this, they were brutalized. Norwood said that she was raped repeatedly. She survived, apparently, because the assailents liked to have sex with her more than Murray. Of course, however, this all turned out to be a pack of lies concocted by Norwood in order to cover up the murder she committed in the Lululemon store. She, not the made-up masked men, was the one to have killed Murray.

The true story

Police, however, quickly saw through Norwood’s story. Apparently, Brittany Norwood had a habit of stealing things. She would steal things from her teammates in high school and from coworkers at Lululemon. She once stole a weave from a hairdresser by getting the weave done and then saying someone stole the wallet out of her bag. After this, she just never paid for the work and that’s how you steal a weave. 

The managers at the Lululemon store were well-aware of Norwood’s stealing tendencies. They were trying to get her fired from the Lululemon store at the time of the murders. Basically, it’s really hard to fire someone, you have to have an airtight case. So an employee had to literally catch Norwood in the act. Unfortunately, that was Jayna Murray who caught Norwood with a pair of yoga pants. 

Making this more tragic? On the night of the murders, Jayna Murray was not supposed to be working. She was covering a shift for another manager. Norwood’s crime didn’t even do anything. Murray had already informed everyone that she had caught her in the act. For that, Murray was given 331 wounds with five different weapons, dying in one of the most brutal ways imaginable. 

After this, Norwood tied her own hands & feet after giving herself relatively minor wounds and laid next to Murray’s corpse for hours until the day manager came into the Lululemon store. 

What happened?

Brittany Norwood was arrested, obviously, for Jayna Murray’s murder. Following a six-day trial, Norwood was found guilty of first degree murder. She was sentenced to life with no possibility of parole for her crime. Judge Robert Greenberg, who sentenced Norwood, said that he went home and mimed stabbing something 331 times. He said that Norwood had ample opportunity to stop.

He also called out the employees of the Apple store next to the Lululemon. At the time of the murders, you can see security footage of employees listening and not calling. Reportedly, they heard Jayna Murrary begging God for help. So they have to live with that. 

Brittany Norwood is currently incarcerated in Maryland Correctional Institute for Women. In 2015, she ran out of direct appeal options. 

We asked our own astrology expert, Phoenix Knor’malle, Psychic Advisor to make a case analysis:

I feel like there may have been more of a motive to Murray’s murder than this article suggests. Perhaps Norwood was envious of Murray’s success, or maybe she felt like the work environment was unfair. Whatever the case, it would have been much easier for Norwood to simply quit her job at Lululemon, removing herself from the situation while avoiding being fired. There are several signs that you should quit your job, as described in the article. Hating your boss (or coworkers) is one of the major indicators, which may have prevented the escalation at Lululemon.