Don’t make these mistakes after a car accident.


Car accidents are not an experience anyone should have. But it is a natural phenomenon that can’t be avoided completely. Whether you like it or not, car accidents happen and if you are unlucky to have been a victim there are certain mistakes you should never commit after the accident.

Victims of car accidents are eligible to receive compensation from the responsible party for the harm, pain and suffering they’ve faced. Working with Castle Rock car accident attorney is one of the surest means by which you can get the responsible party to take responsibility for their action.

You’ll find about the mistakes you should never make after any car accident in this article.

  • Not calling the police: since you’re able to walk out of a car accident alive the first thing you should do is call 911. The police are credible witnesses so having them at the accident scene is a good way of getting a legal record of the accident.
  • Signing papers without seeking legal consultation: Maybe your insurance companies would cover the medical expenses but you need to be sure you are sure the insurance company is acting in good faith. How do you ensure this? It’s by seeking your lawyer’s guidance before signing any paper presented to you.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene. Take enough high-quality pictures and videos of the accident, your injury, the vehicles and other people involved. These pictures would help you back your case during trial, mediation or negotiation.
  • Sharing your activity on social media: As you’ll come to agree with me, this is the generation of sharing. While it’s a good thing to post pictures and videos of you doing something cool on your social media account, you’ll want to pipe down on this activity if you are a victim of a car accident who’s in the process of getting compensation from the defendant. The defendant’s lawyer would be looking to ruin your case and can you guess how badly hit your case will be if the defence attorney discovers your recent picture of playing hockey on social media?
  • It is of utmost importance that you visit a medical doctor to diagnose you and see if you suffered any serious harm. Not doing this does more harm than good for you. Apart from exposing your health to huge risks, it also weakens your case with the jury. The judge may assume or think that you are just trying to pull a fast one over the defendant since you didn’t suffer any serious harm in the first place.
  • People say honesty is the best of virtues, and yes, being honest counts here too. You just have to be honest when giving your story or writing your statement at the police station. If it’s discovered that you have lied the jury may find it hard to believe whatever you say and well you may lose your car due to this.