Elevate Your Sense of Style With Essential Graphic T-shirts


When you open your closet or pull open your t-shirt drawer, what do the contents say about you? We probably all have the iconic Marlon Brando or James Dean plain, white t-shirt, it’s an iconic fashion staple everyone should wear; but what about those other classics? Graphic t-shirts are now the essential t shirt, they are a billboard for our thoughts, tastes, political leaning, and say a lot about who we are. We may think that we only express what’s happening on our social media accounts, but the graphic t-shirt has been saying a little more way before the internet as we know it even existed. Let’s look at how the new essential t shirt can send the right message about who you are.

The Band T-shirt

Graphic t-shirts are the perfect way to show off who you listen to and maybe a concert you attended at some point in your life. The band t-shirt is an essential t shirt, what better way to express who we are than through the artist we listen to? Whether it’s a rapper, metal band, or the hottest K-pop crew, these shirts are a conversation starter and can attract the right kind of attention if done right. Don’t forget the concert t-shirt, that’s the ultimate flex when you show up to a gathering or a casual work day with that short sleeve that proves you went to that exclusive festival last weekend.

Art as Fashion

Imagine owning that Picasso or Dali from that museum you attended a few weeks back, well that might be financially out of reach for the majority of us, but who says you can’t put it on a t-shirt. An absolute essential t shirt must-have is the art shirt, maybe your favorite painting or an artist who released a collab with a major outfitter, you can show you’re in the know about art with what you wear. The best part about a lot of artsy shirts is that the print tends to encompass the entire shirt and not just the center portion, which adds a twist of visual texture to your wardrobe.

Let’s Get Political

The touchy subject of politics can leave us unable to say how we connect to the many agendas that are present in the world we live in, but that’s why graphic t-shirts can do all the talking for us. The hidden meanings of certain graphics that support your party may be the better way to go than just listing a candidate and the year you want them to win; you get it right? There’s a thin line between being tasteful and classless when donning the political edition of the essential t shirt, so try not to be offensive, and if there’s a cause that touches your heart, use a shirt to spread awareness to others.

High End Fashion

Let’s not forget that the main message you want to send is that you have a great fashion sense. Graphic t-shirts come in all price ranges and from all fashion brands, even from very expensive designers that can give us sticker shock. An essential t shirt you should have is one tied to a major player in the design industry, sure they may cost a lot more than your average tee, but there’s something about the feel a high-end t-shirt brings. Usually made with high end materials or being sold in limited quantities, the expensive t-shirt can do double duties as a way to be casual or skip the line at the club.

Easy And Affordable

T-shirts shouldn’t always break the bank, the beauty of graphic tees is that they can be purchased at any budget. While we salivate over some high fashion graphic tee, the essential t-shirt can be had for a lot less with the same impact. One way to get the most out of your t-shirt purchase is by looking for collaborations between your favorite clothing store and that designer who normally sells pieces for high dollar amounts. The collab tee lets everyone know that you’re a savvy shopper as well as someone who has taste, or you can forgo it all together and focus on just what you like. What is universal however, is that the materials used on t-shirts normally vary very little through price changes. The affordable graphic t-shirt can still be ultra-soft, moisture wicking, made of cotton, and just as comfortable as anything else you spend your hard earned money on.


As a warm weather go-to or a layer below a flannel; the essential t shirt should have graphics on it. With different types of designs and colors, graphic tees add pop to your wardrobe in a way that can be very affordable while making a huge statement. If the plain t-shirt is a canvas, add some art to yours and let others know what you’re about while elevating your sense of style.