How Tall Is Kevin Hart? The Truth About The Actor’s Actual Height

kevin hart

Kevin Hart‘s height has long been a topic of debate. We all know that the funnyman is short—he often makes it a point to remind us with self-deprecating jokes. But reports on his exact stats vary. We’re taking a look at the evidence to answer once and for all: how tall is Kevin Hart?

Kevin Hart Embraces His Height

Kevin Hart has never been shy about his short stature. As a child, he poked fun at his own height before bullies had a chance to do it. And as a stand-up, he’s provided plenty of laughs about it at his own expense. But in a 2014 interview with Oprah, Hart seemed far less bothered by it than his jokes would suggest.

“I don’t believe in doing things to manufacture my body to appeal to what I think people might like,” said Hart. “This is it. This is what I was given. This is my playing cards. If we were playing poker, I’ve got to make this handwork. This is it for me. And this is what I’m going to ride out. So how do you not embrace it? You get one life. One. You get one life. I’m going to embrace mine.”

For more on how the Jumanji star turned lemons into lemonade, check out this excerpt from the interview:

Kevin Hart Didn’t Let His Height Stop Him From Becoming An Athlete

We won’t be seeing Hart scoring slam dunks anytime soon, but he’s no slouch on the basketball court. The comedian sees physical activity as a component of career longevity, telling The Source in 2018:

“Kevin Hart the athlete is a guy that just fell in love with the idea of giving myself a long time to live … That person that you’re defining as an athlete is really a person that’s just trying to stay healthy. I put a large demand on my body. You know, 14, 15 hours a day consistently. If I’m not taking care of myself, there’s no way that I can do that at a high level. It’s impossible.”

“There’s different levels to taking care of yourself,” he added. “I’m a little extreme with it. That doesn’t mean everybody else should be extreme … And then there’s a piece of wanting to achieve greatness in there too.”

In Hart fashion, he turned his amateur athleticism into entertainment. His annual appearance at the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game earned him four consecutive MVP Awards from 2012-2015. Sure, he did better as a trash talker than a free-thrower, but he scored his share of points and assists. And in 2017, he ran in the New York City Marathon, finishing in four hours and five minutes. “So out of how many billion people, under 5 percent have actually ran a marathon.” he told The Source. “I want to be in that 5 percent … the marathon, I’m going to try to do five.”

Hart also turned his fitness regimen into a money-making opportunity. He was the first comedian to sign a deal with Nike, releasing Hustle Hart cross-trainers in 2016. And in April 2020, he became the face of Kate Hudson’s Fabletics Men. (Hart is also an investor in the athleisure company.)

Not bad for a short guy who tells jokes for a living. Watch him bust on NBA players and act the fool in this highlight reel from his All-Star appearances:

There’s Misinformation About Kevin Hart’s Real Height

Getting to the truth about Kevin Hart’s height involves some serious detective work. Sites like CheatSheet and even Google list him as 5-foot-4. Add Height also echoes this figure, going as far as to clarify that they don’t take lifts or thick soles into account. But other sources report that he’s two inches shorter.

Hart has added to the confusion. Every once in a while, he addresses social media followers with misleading (albeit very funny) tweets. Take this one from 2018 where he suggests that he keeps track of his height the same way parents do with their kids:

How Tall Is Kevin Hart, Actually?

The definitive answer is that Kevin Hart is 5’2″ tall. In 2019, the comedian agreed to take a lie detector test while being interviewed by Vanity Fair. His height was among the very first questions posed by the journalist. But Hart, ever the jokester, initially denied the stat.

“Absolutely not,” he blurted when asked to confirm that he’s 5’2″. As the polygraph machine began to tick upwards, he backtracked. “Five foot four,” he said, followed by a long pause. “Five foot three,” he continued. “Five foot two-and-a-half.”

How tall is Kevin Hart compared to other comedians?

Compared with other great comedians, Kevin Hart’s height falls pretty short. While he may match up in talent, wealth, and acclaim, he definitely does not in physical presence. For example, of all comedians listed as the best 10 of the 2010s, via Ranker, Kevin Hart is the shortest.

Dave Chappelle, the first on the list is 6 feet tall, according to Superstars Bio, a whole 10 inches taller than Hart. Bill Burr, another well-liked comedian, stands eight inches above Hart at 5 feet 10 inches, per Celeb Heights. John Mulaney is also 6 feet tall, per The Sun, clearly taller than Hart. Jim Gaffigan and Louis C.K are the other stand-up comedians to round up the top 5 on the list and of course, at 6 feet respectively, they are both several inches taller than Hart.

While he sits in 8th place on Ranker’s top 10 list of comedians who have been at the top of their game in the 2010s, by height, however, he’d be even lower as he would surely be at the bottom of the pile.

Compared with fellow movie stars he has worked with, the “About Last Night” actor still takes the cake for shortest height. A lot of actors he has worked with all tower above him, like Seth Rogen in “This Is The End” and Chris Rock in the 2014 movie “Top 5” (via Screen Rant.) Both actors are 5 feet 11 inches and 5 feet 10 inches respectively — nine and eight inches taller than Hart.