Jeff Wittek’s Mullet Retro Hairstyle


If you are born in the late 80s or early 90s, you must have heard about Mullet, isn’t it? Well, it was an iconic hairstyle. Especially when a hunky vlogger like Jeff Wittek tries it out, the hairstyle becomes even more trending. In fact, Jeff Wittek mullet style is at the number one trending position on social media platforms.

So would you like to know more about this hot hairstyle? Needless to say, this 80s famous hairstyle is making a comeback recently. Now let us take a look at some of the exciting aspects of this trending hairstyle. 

What Kind Of Haircut Is Jeff Wittek Mullet?

Are you looking forward to trying this hairstyle and giving a retro look to yourself? Well, then you can follow this blog to know everything about it. Do you know what people commonly refer to this funky hairstyle? 

You can hear people referring to mullet as “business in the front, party in the back.” In fact, it is a choppy hairstyle. This is because it gives you a professional look in the front and a longer, wilder cut from the back. 

How Did This Haircut Become Popular?

You must be wondering how this hairstyle became so popularised, right? Well, it became popular in the 1970s. At that time, the celebrity David Bowie’s alter ego, Ziggy Stardust, first brought this hairstyle into the limelight. 

However, it was during the 80s that people actually started trying it out. Starting from the celebrities like Tom Jones in 1965, presently Jeff Wittek mullet is still rocking in this hairstyle. In fact, from the time this hairstyle first became popular, celebrities were a fan of it. Needless to say, that trend is continuing even now.

What Is The Significance Of The Name?

If you are looking answer to the question as to what is the significance of the name mullet, we will be discussing it right here. As you know, this haircut goes back to the late 80s and the early 90s. Therefore, it had probably got its name from the famous band “Beastie Boys,” released their song Mullet Head. However, if you research a bit extensively, you will find that in Oxford Dictionary, the origin of this term is uncertain.

At the same time, the fishmongers grew this hairstyle in Iceland. This is because they wanted to keep their necks warm and dry. Since the climate there is icy and dry, this hairstyle was perfect. 

Which Celebrities Recently Have Tried Out Mullet?

If you are fascinated by this hairstyle, you must also want to know about the celebs who have already tried this hairstyle. So we are here to let you know about it. From time immemorial, a lot of stars tried this look. Presently, celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Billie Ray Cyrus, Jeff Wittek, and others have tried this hairstyle. 

At the same time, singing superstar Billie Elish, comedian Seth Rogen and famous actress Zendaya have rocked this look. 

Who Popularised This Look Among Men In The 2020s?

Well, the hot celebrity Jeff Wittek has popularized this look presently. Especially the hot vlogger Jeff Wittek is credited for making it famous among men. We know him best for his surreal YouTube interview show. 

In fact, this 31-year-old comedian is also a well-known barber. So you can well understand that how why Jeff Wittek mullet is in the trending position now.

Ending Note

As we conclude, we can say that hairstyles like mullet can again make a comeback if people like Jeff Wittek take the initiative to popularise them among the present generation. So if you wish, you can try it out as well.