Million-Dollar Art: The Art of the Future is the Gay Aliens Society NFT


Digital art that can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars? The most expensive ones are part of successful collections that allow holders to interact with other holders in online content and in real world events. Bored Ape Yacht Club, for example, hosts live parties for holders of the Bored Ape NFTs. The company has a multi-million dollar profit margin. “Ethereum is a technology that’s home to digital money, global payments, and applications,” according to the website. “The community has built a booming digital economy, bold new ways for creators to earn online, and so much more. It’s open to everyone, wherever you are in the world–all you need is the internet.”

The newest and most exciting NFT collection is one drawn by celebrity artist Tima Marso. Born in Strezhevoy, Russia, on August 6, 1991. Marso now resides in Miami, Florida, producing art that is multidisciplinary, including modeling, photography, oil painting, and digital art. Each of the NFTs in this collection, Gay Aliens Society NFT Project, will be personally individualized by Marso. The NFTs become not only a token for accessing content and a form of electronic currency, but a piece of art.

Each alien begins as one of twenty naked alien bodies that are randomly selected, randomly dressed, and randomly decorated with clothes, a Zodiac sign, and celestial bodies like Sun, Moon, and Vanus. After the initial alien is created, Marso then personalizes each one. Holders of the NFTs own a unique piece of art and are also able to apply to have their aliens featured on an animated TV series, the adult-themed Gay Aliens in Metaverse. They will also have access to real world parties hosted by Gay Aliens Society,, and celebrity hosts like Jake Reniscow. Aliens chosen for the series will produce licensing fees, royalties, and perhaps even sponsorship fees for the holders of the NFT.

Despite the fact that the soft launch of the collection and project was only a few months ago, the initial 1000 presale tokens have already sold out, and the collection has a loyal following. This includes over 10,000 Discord members and over 50,000 Instagram followers. Even some stars are throwing their considerable pop culture weight into the Gay Alien world. Stars such as DJ Diplo own the aliens, and some of the Gay Alien Society Instagram posts have close to 1,000,000 views. These insane videos can be seen below.