Sydney raines and dave portnoy sex tape leaked, age, date of Birth, net worth, boyfriend

sydney raines collar

Sydney Raines, an Instagram model, has become a media sensation after speaking about a video with David Portnoy. Dave Portnoy, is the founder of Barstool Sports, a sports and pop culture media empire. On Tuesday, a sex tape of Portnoy appeared online, in which he is seen yanking a chain attached to a dog collar worn by a naked woman. On Thursday, the mystery blonde revealed herself to be Instagram model Sydney Raines.

However, the video was never intended to be seen by the public. She believes that everything they did was totally consensual but the content was never intended to be shared or uploaded. However, the video has since been removed from all media platforms. Sydney states that she and David are still friends, and that nothing will change between them. She also claims that she will not apologize to anyone for doing what she did.

Similarly, Portnoy was unapologetic about the sex tape as well despite suggestions could have caused a drop in the value of shares of Penn National Gaming shares, the company which recently bought a share of Barstool Sports.

Talking about how and who leaked it, it’s unknown who leaked the X-rated vision, which was recorded some time ago.

Who is Sydney Raines?

Sydney Raines is an Instagram model based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. On her Instagram account, she has amassed a large fan following and is rapidly growing her fan base. She is also well-known for sharing stunning photos of herself on social media.

Recently, she has came to limelight after her and the founder of Barstool Sports, David sex tape got leaked. The video was released a few days ago, and Sydney confirmed that the naked girl in the video was her in an Instagram post. Portnoy owns a ‘ton of Penn Stock,’ according to his Twitter profile, is worth an estimated $120 million.

Sydney Raines Age, Date of Birth, Birthday, Family, what about her father, mother, where is Sydney Raines from? Early life

According to various websites on the internet, Sydney Raines is around 22 years old as of 2021. Her exact age and date of birth, however, have yet to be revealed. Her age may be between 20 and 30 years old, based on her appearance. To learn more about her, she holds an American Nationality and belongs to White ethnicity. However, her birth sign is unknown for now.

Moving on to her personal life, the details about her family background is under review. There is not much info regarding Sydney’s family background and parents on the internet. She has never revealed about her family. However, on her Instagram post, there is a picture of her with a woman, which could be probably her mom.

She is also secretive about her siblings. We can assume she is a single child of her parents, but it’s not officially confirmed. Talking about her friends, we can see her with her friends on her Instagram posts. Judging from the pictures, she loves to have party, chillout with her friends and wear bikinis.

Sydney Raines Net worth, how much she has earned from her career?

When it comes to salary, we have not found the actual facts. Nor the annual salary of Sydney Raines. She has managed to keep her personal details private and has not revealed anything about her salary. But she must have earned well from her modelling career already, but unfortunately, we don’t have any information about her net worth and salary.

If there’s any news update about her net worth, salary and income we will update the articles.

Sydney Raines’s Career

Talking about Sydney’s career, she is an Instagram model who is known for sharing stunning photos of herself on social media. there is not any information about that. She has a large fan base that is growing rapidly.

However, other than that, what she is doing currently and what she used to do before for living is not disclosed yet. If there is any information about her career, job and achievements we’ll update you.

Sydney Raines Boyfriend, is she dating?

Talking about Sydney Raines’s relationship status, we don’t have any information about her relationship and love life. She has maintained privacy about her personal life. So, we don’t know about her boyfriend. At the moment, she seems to be single or just hiding the love of her life from the eyes of the public.

God knows who her boyfriend or husband is since her relationship status has never got out in the public. Nor does she ever post anything regarding her dating life. Probably she is in a relationship with Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, a sports and pop culture media empire. But on her recent post where she revealed that the naked girl on the video is herself, Sydney states that she and David are still friends, and that nothing will change between them.

If there is some official news about her relationship status, we willy surely update you.

Is she available on any Social media platform?

Sydney Raines is an Instagram model, so she is undoubtedly available on the social media platform. @sydneyraines is her Instagram handle. She currently has around 9000 followers and is steadily increasing her following.

Sydney joined Instagram for the first time in April of 2014. She has about 95 posts on her handle since then. On her Instagram bio, she has a famous quote by amazing actress Tina Fey. Furthermore, she has not shared any of her personal information on her Instagram account

Where she attended her High school and University?

Talking about her education, she probably completed all of her education in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. But the actual facts about her education and University or high school life is not disclosed yet.

Quick Facts about Sydney Raines

  1. Who is Sydney Raines? Sydney Raines is an Instagram model based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. On her Instagram account, she has amassed a large fan following and is rapidly growing her fan base. She is also well-known for sharing stunning photos of herself on social media.
  2. How old is Sydney Raines? According to various websites on the internet, Sydney Raines is around 22 years old as of 2021. Her exact age and date of birth, however, have yet to be revealed. Her age may be between 20 and 30 years old, based on her appearance.
  3. Is Sydney Raines Dating? At the moment, she seems to be single or just hiding the love of her life from the eyes of the public. God knows who her boyfriend or husband is since her relationship status has never got out in the public. Nor does she ever post anything regarding her dating life. Probably she is in a relationship with Dave Portnoy. But on her recent post where she revealed that the naked girl on the video is herself, Sydney states that she and David are still friends, and that nothing will change between them.
  4. Is she available on Twitter and Facebook? We tried to find her on other social media platform, but we couldn’t. Therefore, the answer is no, she is only available on Instagram under the username @@sydneyraines.
  5. When the video was leaked of David Portnoy and Sydney Raines? On Tuesday, a sex tape of Portnoy appeared online, in which he is seen yanking a chain attached to a dog collar worn by a naked woman. On Thursday, the mystery blonde revealed herself to be Instagram model Sydney Raines.
  6. How and Who leaked the video? It’s unknown how and who leaked the X-rated vision, which was recorded some time ago.

Sydney Raines ‘s Body Appearance Height, Weight in 2021

Height   Tall
Eye Colour 
Body TypeSlim
Sexual OrientationStraight

Interesting facts about Sydney Raines which you should be known

Zodiac SignUnknown
Net WorthUnder Review
Single/ In a relationshipProbably Single

Social Media


Sydney Raines sex tape Link

You can find sydney Raines video on our Reddit comment Click Here