Trump Twitter Twitterkastrenakes Theverge

trump twitter twitterkastrenakes theverge

Since taking office as the 45th President of the United States of America in 2017, Donald Trump has developed a unique and somewhat controversial relationship with Twitter. His prolific use of the social media platform has fostered innumerable conversations and reactions both on the internet and throughout the wider public, making it impossible to avoid the phenomenon that is ‘Trump Twitter’. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at Donald Trump’s Twitter account and its impact on our society today, as well as outlining its implications on the legacy of his presidency. We will discuss the use of Trump Twitter to target enemies and harness public opinion in his favour, and assess how the tweets have affected politics and news discourse. We will also examine the implications of the Trump Twitterverse for the growth and evolution of the platform, and the expectations his activities may bring for future Presidents. 

Trump’s Twitter Presence 

As the official @realDonaldTrump Twitter account reached its 33 million followers, it has been hard to ignore the presence and influence of Donald Trump on the platform. Trump’s rise to political power was accompanied by an increase in his Twitter usage, and as the number of his followers grew, the tweets he posted seemed to become more frequent and outrageous. Trump frequently took to Twitter to target opponents, making use of the platform to criticise those that threatened his power and to advocate for his agendas. This Twitter presence proved to be advantageous for Donald Trump politically, extending well beyond his political base and allowing him to target those outside of it to gain their support and approval.

Trump’s Use of Twitter to Garner Support

Donald Trump’s prolific use of Twitter became increasingly influential in the run up to the 2016 US Presidential election. Trump’s tweets served to build an atmosphere of volatility and instability, furthering his anti-establishment rhetoric and providing a platform on which to target and discredit his opponents. His tweets frequently pushed an anti-immigration and anti-globalist agenda, in addition to pro-America rhetoric, which garnered widespread support from those seeking a more nationalist approach to politics. Trump’s tweets have also been seen to encourage distrust and suspicion of the media, furthering the idea that the press is biased and corrupt. This has allowed Trump to garner support from those whose confidence level towards the media has been low, further building on his political base.

The Role of Twitter in News Reporting

Trump’s Twitter activity has had a considerable impact on the news discourse and the reporting of his presidency. His tweets have often been seen as newsworthy, and are often featured as primary sources in news reports. His tendency to ‘tweet first and ask questions later’ ensures that articles centre around his personal thoughts and prejudices, rather than professional opinion and analysis. This can lead to news organisations publishing inaccurate, misinformed, or opinionated information that is solely determined by the President’s tweets.

The Impact on Twitter’s Reputation and Legitimacy

Donald Trump’s presence on Twitter has had a dramatic impact on the way in which the platform is perceived, in terms of its legitimacy for platform for reporting news. Over the course of his presidency, Trump’s tweets have become an increasingly important factor not only in reporting news but also in determining the public opinion and driving public discourse. While there have been some positive impacts of Trump’s presence on Twitter, most notably his ability to quickly break news and reach a larger audience, his tweets have also been the source of significant controversy. This has led some to assert that Trump is ‘weaponising’ the platform, leading to challenges to the traditional structures and protocols of Twitter and threatening the impartiality and integrity of its accounts.

The Future of Presidential Twitter Accounts

Donald Trump’s tenure as President has yielded considerable new developments in the relationship between politics and social media, particularly regarding the appropriateness of political discourse on the platform. The Twitter presence of future US Presidents is likely to be far more restrained and regulated, taking into account the implications of Trump’s use of the platform on the public discourse and on the election of future Presidents. It is hoped that limits can be set on the topics discussed, the rhetoric employed, and the extent of engagement with followers, in order to reduce the influence of partisan polarisation and division in the country.


Donald Trump’s presence on Twitter has had a considerable impact on our society and on the political discourse in the United States of America. His tweets have become an enormous factor in deciding news reports, public opinion, and the success of his election campaigns. Trump’s relationship with Twitter will have enduring implications for our future political leaders, and the legacy of his presence on the platform will reverberate for years to come.

Related FAQs

Q: How has Trump’s Twitter usage impacted his presidency?

A: Trump’s Twitter usage has had a considerable impact on his presidency, allowing him to target opponents and garner public support, as well as affecting the public discourse and news reporting of his presidency.

Q: What are the implications of Trump’s Twitter usage? 

A: The implications of Trump’s Twitter usage include challenges to traditional structures and protocols of Twitter, a greater role for his personal opinions and prejudices in news reporting, and increased susceptibility to partisan rhetoric and division.

Q: What is trump twitter twitterkastrenakes theverge?

A: Trump Twitter Twitterkastrenakes Theverge is a term used to describe the prolific use of the social media platform Twitter by Donald Trump during his presidency.

Q:  What are the expectations for future Presidents?

A: Future Presidents are expected to take into account the implications of Trump’s use of Twitter when engaging with the platform, and to set limits on the topics discussed and the rhetoric employed.

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