Which movie star inspired a game celebrating his connection with every actor in Hollywood?

which movie star inspired a game celebrating his connection with every actor in hollywood?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which movie star inspired a game celebrating his connection with every actor in Hollywood?

…Over two decades ago, a parlor game called “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” became an unlikely grass-roots phenomenon among movie buffs. The game, requires players to link celebrities to Kevin Bacon, in as few steps as possible, via the movies they have in common. The Kevin Bacon game is based on a theory called six degrees of separation, the notion that any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart. In 2007 Bacon launched SixDegrees.org, a charitable organization that connects celebrities with good causes for fundraising purposes.

Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which movie star inspired a game celebrating his connection with every actor in Hollywood?

Kevin Bacon:

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