Home Business Marketing 11 Tips to Get Followers on TikTok for Your Brand

11 Tips to Get Followers on TikTok for Your Brand

TikTok for Your Brand

If the first thing you think when you are told about TikTok is that “this social network is for young people”, you may not be so right. 

Although in 2022 those belonging to the Z generation are the ones who use this platform the most, it is also gradually beginning to reach other generations: 47% are between 10 and 29 years old, 21.7% between 30 and 39 years old and 31.3% are over 40 years old.

TikTok currently has more than 23 million active users per month and if you think that your brand or company does not need to have a presence on this social network, do not resist: there is a lot of your target audience spending time there and you are wasting it.

Fortunately, we are here to help you get followers on TikTok.

11 tips to get followers on your TikTok account

  1. Make an attractive brand profile.
  2. Join relevant viral hashtags or challenges.
  3. Invite your audience to participate in your campaigns.
  4. Educate your audience with content created by other users.
  5. Interact with your followers on your profile.
  6. Use influencers.
  7. Create games or experiences for users.
  8. Share your videos on other social networks.
  9. Give space to urban art.
  10. Hire advertisements.
  11. Choose the best times to post.

1. Make an attractive brand profile

This sounds obvious, however what appeals on one platform doesn’t work on another. That is why it is important that you maintain the personality of the brand, although with that extra ingredient that will help you break into TikTok. 

The account of the Barcelona soccer club has turned this profile into a good channel to announce special dates, uniform launches, key plays and moments with fans.

The most important thing is that you design your profile and your content on TikTok according to the image you use on your other social networks, but you must consider the dynamism, informality and tone of this platform.

2. Join relevant viral hashtags or challenges

Hashtags on TikTok allow people to join conversations or find content using keywords, news events, or personalities.

Some hashtags or challenges start at the initiative of users, but brands can join with all their creativity. If you choose the right ones, you will also reach the ideal people who will enjoy your videos and start following you.

In our example, the hashtag #myfirstkiss (my first kiss) has been used by more than 92 million people and the Hershey’s brand Kisses knew how to use the hashtag to its advantage.

3. Invite your audience to participate in your campaigns

TikTok was created for people to contribute in different ways to make fun and entertaining videos. If you are a brand, you can also advertise organically; you can post or tag videos of people using your products or services. 

In this example, the Pedigree brand asked users to share videos of their pets to join a donation campaign. A case of cause marketing.

4. Educate your audience with content created by other users

Short, dynamically edited videos with real people make for the best tutorials. It is the best way to demonstrate that your product or service meets the expectations of quality and use of daily life. You also give recognition to your users and build loyalty to your brand.

In this example, Revlon bundles videos of users who create amazing looks using their products.

5. Interact with your followers on your profile

Answering questions or conducting small interviews is an ideal practice to show a more human face, as users who follow your profile may have questions or perhaps would like to interact with you or your ambassadors in some way.

Nike has a series of videos on Tik Tok in which some athletes answer questions from the public about their beginnings and their motivation to play sports. This initiative serves two purposes: it shows the athletes wearing the brand’s garments and encourages users to practice any discipline. Excellent play!

6. Use influencers

If you can create pieces with influencers from your industry, you will reach more people because you take advantage of the push of their own audience. This is very common in social networks: companies associate with relevant people and send them their products to test them or directly collaborate with them.

In this case, the Mac cosmetics brand launched a collection with the Spanish singer Rosalía, who paints her lips with some of the advertised products. These types of alliances are a win-win.

7. Create games or experiences for users

On TikTok, people want to have fun, be surprised, and explore creativity. Thanks to tools like the gamified branded effect, brands create opportunities for people to participate.

Ray-Ban, the eyewear brand, created a glasses filter that also worked as a game: people moved their eyebrows to activate the levers of a pinball machine and earn points. These types of interactions are usually viral and represent a great opportunity to reach many people.

8. Share your videos on other social networks

With the TikTok share buttons you can take your content created for this platform to Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. Several of those platforms have even started curating content suggestions with popular TikTok videos when users log in from their smartphone.

Another way to reach your audience and get more followers is to link your YouTube videos to TikTok posts. In fact, Youtube recently implemented its Shorts section, dedicated to short videos that receive a lot of native content from TikTok.

9. Give space to urban art

Brands have recently implemented the creation of murals in order to beautify cities and promote their products. To do this, they invite urban artists to work with them.

In this example we see the development of a mural in Mexico City for the Cielito Querido coffee shop brand. The creative process was shared by the artist on TikTok and the mural remains visible to any passerby, so the initiative has a double effect on the public.

10. Hire advertisements

There are several options to hire ads on TikTok:

TopView: It is the one with the best format for the video to be enjoyed and appreciated on cell phone screens, so it is ideal for telling stories of up to 60 seconds.

In-feed ads: This appears in the “For you” section, along with other content selected according to the user’s tastes. Lasts up to 60 seconds.

Brand Takeover: Consisting of 3-5 second videos, brands create full-screen experiences that pack a powerful punch.

Ads on TikTok reach 18.3% of the world’s population, so you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to develop a content strategy that allows you to reach your audience. However, this is not just about you creating a video, uploading it and expecting to get millions of views and interactions in a day.

11. Choose the best times to post

According to TikTok analytics data, the schedule depends on the country, since in Mexico, Colombia and Argentina the strategic schedules can be much shorter in hours, while in Spain there is more extension of time to publish your videos and attract more followers.

Mexico, Colombia and Argentina: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Spain: 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The Movie of the Week account on TikTok has the knack of capturing your attention in a matter of seconds so you stay to watch the rest of their videos, which are short and very explanatory. This is complemented with interesting facts from the world of cinematography that any movie buff can appreciate.

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