Five apps to help automate workflow

automate workflow

Technological advancements have transformed the way we live and work. It is particularly true for how we carry out our day-to-day tasks or run business operations.

Though technology has impacted the corporate world significantly and helped put small businesses on the map, there are still some areas that many corporations need to work on and improve.

For example, a business equipped with all the latest technology and a competent workforce can still fail. Why? Because the core business process and workflow weren’t appropriately evaluated.

Although data management or cybersecurity are critical to streamlining business operations, workflow plays a massive role in keeping company goals streamlined. Before we jump to solutions for ways to improve the workflow, let’s discuss what it is about in detail.

A workflow involves a series of steps carried out in sequence with proper approvals at the end of each stage. The task is arduous when done manually, which is where automated workflow comes into play.

Being competitive in evolving industries is changing how companies streamline operations. One of the many ways is eliminating human interventions and opting for automation that runs without breaks.

Whether it’s project management or evaluation, various software programs reduce the risk of human errors while regulating the flow of tasks and work-related activities per the corporation’s rules.

The update leads to fruitful outcomes such as improving productivity, communication, and in most cases, employee satisfaction by reducing workload.

These promising results have led to an increased demand for workflow automation with numerous organizations like NetSuite Solution Providers that help businesses achieve their goals.

Aside from organizations, a few apps also help automate and optimize workflow.

1.  Lucid Chart

If you want to work without pressure, consider buying Lucid Chart, an all-in-one diagram platform that maps out every project stage.

This application is perfect for product specifications and flow charts. Users easily share diagrams with the team members to convey what needs to be done. Lucid Chart offers users many valuable features, including automatically generating cloud architecture diagrams.

Creating a cloud architecture diagram is a hassle, which is why the app allows users to import cloud architecture to generate graphs and diagrams automatically.

That way, executives view availability zones and subnets, helping them understand and govern the cloud network.

Some other key features of lucid Chart are sticky notes that assist in transforming ideas into a digital whiteboard, eliminating duplicative data entry through data linking, and collaboration with productivity platforms like Workspace and Google apps.

2.  Asana

Project and workflow management becomes manageable when carried out with ease, which is what Asana ensures.

Asana uses visual tools to streamline projects, organize tasks and connect teams on one platform. As a team member, you won’t have to worry about keeping tabs on the pending tasks when using Asana. Instead, you can spend your time and energy on other projects.

Asana uses Rules to automate repetitive tasks. This feature helps save time and ensures that all team members complete their tasks by following every step. For incoming workload, Asana offers the ease of creating a form to manage and acquire the necessary details required to complete a project. It streamlines the process of assigning work.

The custom template feature helps avoid creating a set of tasks every time a new project is assigned. This feature allows users to create templates with all the relevant information from individual tasks, deadlines, and team members.

That way, if any new volunteer is a part of the project, you set the date and time after which the project is assigned.

3.  Click up

Click Up is one of the most reliable workflow apps for flexibility and productivity.

Many project management tools forget that every employee has different productivity styles. This eventually becomes a source of conflict or confusion when employees collaborate. So, how does ClickUp stand apart from other project management tools to ensure smooth collaboration?

It allows users to jump between multiple views with more than ten options. Every team member chooses to view the project any way they want. Aside from offering numerous views, Click Up helps in automatically qualifying inbound leads from the website and product page.

For instance, if a lead downloads an eBook or product description, Click Up moves it to the sales funnel. With that, the sales team only uses that particular lead instead of wasting time on unqualified ones.

Workflow automation also plays a massive role in the accounts department. If a payment process isn’t optimized, it leads to financial consequences, impacting the business’s financial aspect. Click Up also offers users templates that help retain the structure of upcoming projects and a detailed checklist.

4.  Trello

In case of a limited budget, Trello is a valuable and efficient project management tool. Whether you want to organize the team or enhance productivity individually, Trello offers assistance in managing upcoming projects and ease of view on current tasks.

Keeping remote teams updated and organized simultaneously is challenging, but Trello ensures that every employee is on the same page. It works by providing a timeline view to plan projects easily, integrating the calendar to ensure time management, and is customizable to the project size.

Trello enables users to keep track of every goal and detail of the task assigned with a to-do list option. The benefit of using Trello is that aside from offering a clear view of all the details related to the task, it provides the ease of re-arranging tasks according to requirements.

5.  Zapier

Small corporations often struggle with productivity while ensuring that operations are running smoothly. This is where the Zapier app plays its part by automating workflows and enhancing productivity by connecting different apps.

The app does all the essential work, from creating and managing workflows to automating repetitive and low-value tasks. What distinguishes Zapier from other apps is that it allows individuals to monitor independent tasks before integrating them into a collective workflow process.

Manually entering data is a hassle and time-consuming process. In such instances, Zapier automatically passes the data from one app to another through the app connection feature, saving time and reducing manual labor.


Technological advancements have ensured that automation is the solution for businesses to climb the ladder of success with a streamlined workflow.

Though manual labor is the source of employee income, automation allows individuals to invest time and effort into completing other valuable tasks. Aside from saving time or reducing manual labor, with the help of various apps like Trello or Click Up, automation is critical for ensuring streamlined business processes.