How to Remove Virus from Android Phone

Android Virus

It is quite rare to have a virus in your Android phone, but if you find that your phone behaves strangely for no reason, there may be a chance that your Android phone is affected by malicious virus.

Viruses and malware

Android malware and viruses can get into your Android phones in the form of fake apps that could collect your personal information for third parties and collect your private data, then threaten you and demand ransom to recover the data.

Different viruses can damage your Android phone by entering your files and storage. A virus can be installed on your Android phone with or without your consent. Check out the Michael Jackson Costume collection on Star Wars Jacket. These viruses can generate codes in your phone that can manipulate your regular activity cycle and take control of your information and files.

Is your Android phone exposed to viruses?

Since it is rare for Android phones to be infected with viruses and malware, your phone may be infected with viruses that could damage your device and threaten your personal information. There are no visual effects that could recognize you with the virus, but there are a few signs you can look for. Read the following:

1. Unexplained use of data

If you’ve noticed a sudden change in data usage, your Android phone may have been attacked by a virus.

2. Crash of applications

Application blocking may occur, but if you occasionally see applications crashing, your Android phone may be infected with a virus.

3. Faster draining of the battery

A virus in your Android phone can consume a lot of power, which will cause your battery to run out incredibly faster. If you’ve noticed that your phone’s battery is draining faster than before, you should check your phone.

4. Pop-up ads

Pop-up advertisements are frequent; you can even block them using the ad blocking browser extension. But when a virus attacks your Android phone, you may notice pop-up ads that keep coming back again and again, even when the browser is closed.

5. Applications you have not downloaded

Malware can install applications by themselves and share your personal data on them with third parties. Check for any unknown application.

6. Increased telephone bill

The malware strain can infect your phone by sending SMS messages from your Android phone, which will charge you extra and possibly increase your phone bill.

What can happen if your Android phone is attacked by a virus?

• Cybercriminals could inject your Android phone with viruses to generate their income.

• Malware and viruses have the audacity to attack your Android phone and steal your personal information.

• The virus can forcefully display your web pages that you may not want to see.

• Your contact list can be stolen by information thieves; which threatens your personal information like your address, phone number, location and passwords.

• These viruses can help hackers encrypt your personal data and demand a ransom to decrypt it.

Easy steps to remove virus from Android phones

The following simple steps will allow you to remove the virus from your Android phone. If you’ve noticed a sign of a virus on your phone, try them:

1. Try shutting down and restarting

Turn off your phone and reboot in safe mode. You can press the power button with the volume down button and force a reboot to make sure any virus that has infected your phone can be washed away when you restart your phone in safe mode.

2. Look for suspicious apps

Find the suspicious app in your settings and uninstall it. This may not eliminate the virus, but it will reduce the spread factor to other applications.

3. Delete infected applications

Check other infected apps and uninstall them as well. Viruses can also infect other applications. As a security measure, try to recognize apps with irregular behavior and delete them.

4. Install a mobile security app

By installing a robust mobile security application, you can prevent further virus attacks.


Make sure to keep your Android phone free from viruses, as this could damage your phone and pose a threat of misuse of your personal data. We hope the above article was helpful to you and if you have witnessed a mentioned sign, follow the easy steps to remove the virus from your Android phone. Stay safe, stay connected.