Marc Bombenon – Pros and cons of technology advancement


On the planet today, individuals can’t live without technologies, for example, TVs, cell phones, PCs, and others. These technologies have gradually taken an essential part in individuals’ everyday lives, and being without them would be inconceivable for a few of us. Today, technology is significant because it is utilized for nearly everything, and like everything, technology has points of interest and inconveniences. Correspondence is subsequently improved, and organizations can convey all the more effectively with outside nations. Research is likewise disentangled. Marc Bombenon, in his career, has stepped into different industries as Food and Beverage, Telecommunications, Aviation, and Strategic Planning and has served on boards for private companies and nonprofit organizations. Marc has been included in the Telecommunications business since the commencement of his expert vocation. Marc Bombenon, Executive Chairman of SureCall Contact, has the needed exposure to share insight on the pros and cons of technology advancement; to get technology, one must recognize what it gives as far as favorable circumstances, yet additionally weaknesses.

Pros of Technology

It isn’t difficult to see the upsides of technology advancement. You likely profit by it consistently. At that point, you are encountering one of the pros of the progress,  it unfathomably builds the information readily available, growing our comprehension of the world, and accumulating whole reference books of knowledge in online databases. Think about some different focal points of this advancement:

Technology advancement joins people and gatherings together. At no other time have we had the option to discuss ongoing with others in inaccessible corners of the world. Furthermore, this preferred position isn’t constrained to extensive correspondence. We presently have moment access to our loved ones a couple of miles away. In contrast to conventional phones, mobile phones have brought this ‘correspondence power’ into our hands in the most remote areas. So also, we presently have a universe of online opportunities. New businesses can start in a room with a single PC. Occupations can be acquired and worked in the rear of a truck somewhere down in the backwoods. You can discover and buy rare books through online administrations without getting up. While not all may welcome it, the Technology advancement powers intensity on a worldwide scale. Presently, the degree of rivalry is worldwide. In a case where this intensity harms littler, less productive, and lower-quality substances, it permits us, the purchasers, access to a far more extensive commercial center of products and information.

Cons of Technology

While we would all be able to perceive and welcome the fantastic points of interest that the Technology advancement brings to our fingertips, we should also view the cons that follow along. Technology advancement has become such an omnipresent piece of our lives that we may scarcely see the harming impacts that it brings along. My point isn’t to concentrate on those unmistakable and evident shades of malice, for example, programmers and sorted out wrongdoing that is so self-evident – you likely as of now comprehend those issues. We are talented incomprehensible to live during a time when so much information is accessible. However, as I have recently depicted, individuals misuse this abundance of knowledge in three different ways: by just wishing to be familiar with numerous things, by transforming its approval into a revile, and by wanting to know just for knowing. (You can peruse progressively about the maltreatment of information here).