Home Lifestyle Stop Giving Boring Corporate Gifts: What People Really Want

Stop Giving Boring Corporate Gifts: What People Really Want


Corporate gifting is the practice of giving small gifts to employees and clients for particular occasions or just to show your appreciation! So much of corporate gifting defaults to water bottles, totes, pens and basically just boring swag that no one’s feeling excited to get anymore. With so many employees jumping ship and client bases floundering with climbing prices, companies should start getting creative with their corporate gifting and give people things that they’ll actually use and appreciate. In this article, we’ll give you an idea of a popular way of corporate gifting plus the overall benefits of doing this for your employees and clients. Keep reading to learn more! 

Curated Snack Packages 

When we think about something that most people will enjoy, the first thing that comes to mind is food! Curated snack packages are a great way to give your employees something that they actually want and will enjoy. Plus, you can go as far as to simply pay for a package and have employees choose the snacks that they’ll receive. This will help your employees feel like their presence matters and that you as the business owner care about them getting a gift that makes them feel more excited during the day. With snack package corporate gifting services, you can make sure that every employee is getting something they’ll be excited about. 

Customize Your Brand 

You can make your snack package even more exciting by branding your packages with your company’s logo. This could come in the form of branded boxes, bags or general swag to go along with your snacks. These types of gifts are exciting for employees of a company to receive and makes their gift feel slightly more exclusive than it would otherwise. This is a great idea for bigger events and celebrations to commemorate a milestone met by your team or to mark a sales goal. Consider branded snack packages and swag bags for your corporate gifting this year! 

Something for Everyone 

The biggest benefit of gifting snack packages is that you can provide employees with the option to choose their own gifts! This can be done ahead of time so that when it’s time to put a big snack package for your team, you’ll have a detailed idea of everyone’s preferences and potential dietary restrictions. It’s important to know what people can and can’t eat both for corporate gifting and any food you might provide in the office for breakfast or lunch. 

Employees Feel Appreciated 

When you take the time to allow your employees a say in your corporate gifting practices, it helps them feel even more appreciated than they would if they just received a gift. It shows that you care, and that your employees matter to you. Nothing says that a company doesn’t really like mundane gifts. If your company isn’t going to make an effort to give employees what they want, then why give a gift at all? Food is one of the best gifts you can give so make sure your team feels appreciated and cared for by allowing them to select the snacks included in their package. Plus, this is a fun and exciting activity for your employees! It’s fun to look through a selection of delicious treats together and will create buzz amongst your team members. 

Fortify Client Relationships 

Corporate gifting isn’t just for employees, however, and many companies will give gifts to their long term clients. This is especially important these days as many businesses are struggling to retain the clients they already have, much less attract new ones. Corporate gifting is one way to provide incentive for older clients to keep your relationship solid and show them how much you appreciate their business in such an uncertain time. Quarterly gifts for older clients are a great way to go, and you could also consider sending an onboarding swag bag for clients that have just signed up with you or purchased from you for the first time. You should also consider that clients who spend more money at your organization should receive gifts according to how much business they give you. If you have a customer that only purchases a few items, gifts should be scaled accordingly for customers that spend a lot of money at your company. 

Corporate gifting can be tricky, but it’s generally a safe bet to go with curated snack packages and branded swag. Your employees can select what snacks they’d like ahead of time, and make sure to ask about any dietary restrictions amongst your team. Giving them the option to choose their gifts will help them feel more appreciated. You can also give corporate gifts to long term clients who have historically given you a lot of business. Good luck and have fun selecting your corporate gifts! 

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